Sunday, May 3, 2009

सरोवर की महत्ता उसमें विकसित सुंदर पुष्पों या कलरव करते हुए मनमोहक पक्षियों से नहीं, बल्कि उसके दिन रात खुले रहने में होती है |

Significance of a pound is not in its beautiful flowers and chittering birds but in its openness and availability to all..... day and night....

This is a thought given by Samarth Sadguru Shri Shri Sukhraj Giriji Maharaj.
Shri Siddha Dham Shri Kinnar Kaddi Ashram, Tapovan, Gaggarpur Bewar (Mainpuri)

1 comment:

dev kant mohan said...

hiiiiii pls visit guru ji's official website

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Dev Kant Mohan